Feature requests

Feedbacks are categorized into topics on the left. Please add the tool in brackets [...] before writing your suggestions. We really appreciate your ideas and let's make them come true together in the upcoming!

  1. Lead Generation

    How to Use These Three Crucial Techniques to Master Service-Based Marketing If most firms try to sell their services using marketing tactics meant for items, they would most likely fail. The methodology is essentially distinct and necessitates special tactics designed for a service-oriented enterprise. These three game-changing tactics are essential to know if you want to successfully expand your service business and bring in additional clients. Finish Line Language: Emphasize the Outcomes Selling services differs greatly from selling items because services are intangible. Unlike products, you cannot hold, touch, or try them before making a purchase. As a result, prospective customers frequently find it difficult to appreciate the true worth of your offering. Due to this, it is far too simple for service providers to concentrate on deliverablesβ€”the actions involved in the process or the characteristics of the service itselfβ€”instead of the real outcomes or influence that clients might anticipate. Presenting "Finish Line Language," which completely refocuses on outcomes. It all comes down to assisting prospective customers in visualizing their future after utilizing your service. If you are a coach or consultant, for example, you are not merely selling "four 60-minute calls"; you are guaranteeing greater performance, better relationships, or better health. It's critical to provide a clear image of how your assistance will enable them to triumph when they reach the finish line. Comparably, a social media firm sells increased exposure, increased interaction, and eventually more clients in addition to "social media management." A landscaper does more than just mow lawns; they give their clients back time to themselves on the weekends so they can have fun rather than bake in the sun. You're giving potential customers a strong incentive to select your service by focusing on the outcomes and the feelings they will experience upon achieving their objectives. The Feature-to-Benefit Ratio: Convert Features into Pragmatic Advantages Failing to convert features into significant advantages is one of the largest problems in service marketing. To win over clients, it's not enough to just list features; you also need to explain to them how those features actually benefit their lives. A technological component of your service, such as the inclusion of certain calls, reports, or guarantees, is called a feature. What that functionality accomplishes for the client is a benefit, though. Although features are important, your service will stand out because of its advantages. Take into consideration a pizza restaurant's "30-minute delivery" function. Not only can ordering pizza rapidly satisfy your appetite, but it also frees you time for other activities. While FedEx offers overnight shipping, the real advantage is the assurance that your package will arrive at its destination on schedule. Knowing how features convert into advantages can be a game-changer for a service-based company. Don't base your decisions as a coach or consultant only on the quantity of calls received. Instead, emphasize how your advice helps hasten clients' goal-achieving. For agencies, highlight how your all-inclusive social media marketing will bring in a consistent flow of new business and boost profits. Achieving the ideal feature-to-benefit ratio will greatly increase the effectiveness and appeal of your campaign. Every feature must have an obvious, instantly apparent benefit. The Streamlined CASE Funnel How You Handle Sales For companies that provide services, marketing funnels are essential. They lead prospective customers on a path that establishes credibility, qualifies leads, and turns them into paying customers. This process is broken down into six distinct stages by the CASE funnel, which was created especially for coaches, agencies, service providers, and experts: Traffic Source: To get people to your funnel, start with a traffic source like social media, advertisements, or blog posts. Here, the objective is to draw in new customers by making an engaging and worthwhile offer. Opt-In Webpage: Once your site has gained traction, point visitors to an opt-in page. In return for their name and email address, this page should include a lead magnet (such as a cheat sheet, manual, or video). Here, a compelling incentive boosts conversions. Amplifier of Authority: Once they've given their consent, provide them with something of value to build your authority and trust. Building trust and displaying your expertise may be accomplished with ease with a succinct, informative training film or a well-written handbook. Application Document: After you've proven your legitimacy, ask prospects to complete an application. This form helps you determine whether they are a suitable fit for your service by gathering important information about their needs. Calendar Booking: After a prospect fits your requirements, they are sent to a calendar booking page where they may arrange a call. Allowing them to select a time will guarantee that they are attentive and prepared for a fruitful exchange of ideas. Call for Sales: This is the last phase. Here, you address any unanswered queries and go over how your offering might be tailored to their particular requirements. A lot of the issues will already be addressed because the possibility has already gone through several stages. What was the outcome? a relaxed, values-driven discussion. Your sales calls become more productive and efficient when you use the CASE funnel. Only talk to potential clients that recognize your value and have expressed an interest in collaborating with you. This shifts the focus of the entire process from "selling" to determining whether you two are a good fit. Combining Everything You can revolutionize your service-based marketing by integrating the CASE Funnel, Finish Line Language, and a robust Feature-to-Benefit Ratio. Every tactic enhances the others: The CASE funnel simplifies your sales process, benefits highlight your distinctive value, and finish line language establishes realistic expectations. Put Results First: Create content that emphasizes how using your service will make your clients' life better. Give them the impression that they are finishing. Emphasize Advantages: Ensure that each feature translates into a significant advantage that your customers can understand. Improve Your Funnel: Create a smooth funnel that validates leads, builds your authority, and facilitates fruitful dialogues. By implementing these tactics, you'll be able to expand your company with assurance, produce more leads, and demonstrate your industry knowledge. Knowing exactly what works and what doesn't in your marketing endeavors will enable you to modify your strategy in order to optimize results. There are more tools available to you to improve your marketing than these. After you master these foundational concepts, you'll find a wealth of additional tactics that can help you further enhance conversions, improve your funnel, and hone your messaging. Remain curious, keep trying new things, and never forget that your client's success is your ultimate goal.



  2. Website URL under each Topic Idea

    Instead of having to click the arrow to go to each website URL on each topic under topic discovery just list the website URL underneath the topic as well so you can see it at a glance and be able to click through as well.

    Charles M


  3. Categorize Social Listening and Search Listening Better Like Topic Mojo

    I like your topic search but it doesn't visually categorize the channels these pieces of content are coming from like Topic Mojo does - https://appsumo.com/products/topicmojo/. If you allow for us to visually click on show only Instagram Post Topics for example that would be way more helpful so we can find the link for the post to respond to it from our social media tools. Another idea would be even better is to connect our social profiles, forum profiles etc to respond to these links.

    Charles M


  4. how much should i charge for medical billing services



  5. waterproofing



  6. Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Cars of 2024: Save Money and the Planet



  7. ΓΆrviri



  8. travel and tour agency



  9. baby carrier

    #Content Creator πŸ“#Keyword Importer πŸ“‚


  10. Competitive analysis

    Analysis competitors based on Cluster Data

    Daniel Nguyen
    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘#Keyword Explorer ️πŸ₯‡#New land 🏝️


  11. Add in competitor's website

    Competitor analysis: This is something I really want to see. If we could dive into a competitor's website and see all the keywords they rank for.

    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘#New land 🏝️


  12. Can you also show some more information like Ahrefs, rank, backlinks, etc?

    Can you also show some more information like Ahrefs, rank, backlinks, etc?

    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘#Keyword Explorer ️πŸ₯‡


  13. Highlight easy to rank keywords

    Highlight easy to rank keywords (like those with forums in search results).

    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘#Keyword Explorer ️πŸ₯‡


  14. Keyword grouping as per Intent

    Is there keyword grouping as per Intent like - informational, transactional, commercial, navigational? If not can that be added.. it will be really cool addon!

    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘#Keyword Explorer ️πŸ₯‡


  15. GSC integration

    Are you guys thinking of adding GSC integration in WriterZen as well?

    #Feature Requests πŸ‘‘
